Our next JurisTalk seminar features Dr. Jothie Rajah, Research Professor at the American Bar Foundation (Chicago). Dr. Rajah’s presentation, which takes place Wednesday, November 19 at 3:00pm in D492 Loeb building, is entitled “A Jurisprudence of Images: Law, Legitimacy, and the Visual in a Post-9/11 World“.

The seminar synopsis:

In a post-9/11 world, principles and practices that used to mark law, such as civil and human rights, and judicial proceedings in the public domain, have been subordinated to ‘national security’ and the sense of ‘perpetual war’. What does this rescripting mean for law and justice in our time, and what is the role of the visual in this shattering and re-making of law? In an exploration of these questions, this paper focuses on images relating to the killing and burial of Osama bin Laden, attending to what has officially been made visible, and the manner in which popular culture has rendered visible what official images have left invisible. The paper theorises the nexus of images, law, legitimacy, and performativity, drawing on critical theory relating to law, semiotics, and affect.

For more information, please visit our event page: http://www.carleton.ca/law/cu-events/juristalk-jurisprudence-images/