Picture of the waiting roomHealth and Counselling Services (HCS) is a multidisciplinary healthcare facility that provides medical services and counselling services  to Carleton University students, faculty and staff.

Professional Services employees, faculty and continuing employees have a dedicated physician and may use this service as their regular family doctor. They may also see the walk-in doctor for episodic care. Contract Instructors, post-doctorate fellows, researchers, visitors (e.g. guest lecturers, athletes from visiting teams) can come to see the walk-in doctor for medical problems that are episodic in nature – a cold, an infection, an allergic reaction and so on. They cannot make one of the physicians here their regular doctor.

A multidisciplinary staff, comprised of family physicians, psychiatrists, counsellors, registered nurses, support staff provide comprehensive services.

Our Mission

HCS supports the mission and goals of Student Services at Carleton University. Our staff believes that a caring and supportive environment enhances the educational process and influences student success and retention by modifying or removing health-related barriers to learning. Healthy students are better able to concentrate on their studies and to reach their fullest potential.

Picture of receptionHCS is guided by a philosophy which acknowledges the connection between intellectual development, personal growth, and physical and emotional health.

As an integral resource to the university community, HCS seeks to promote well-being and to empower students, staff and faculty to be responsible, self-directed and informed consumers of healthcare services.

Clinic Hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Acute Care Clinic Hours: 8:30am to 3:45pm (or when maximum capacity reached)

Note: Acute Care walk-in patients will be seen according to need and availability of staff. Only one issue will be addressed per visit.