Back to 2001-2002 Undergraduate Calendar2001-2002 Undergraduate Calendar   
Carleton University

Mention: français

The Senate of the University has approved the notation "Mention: français," which a student may earn within a B.A. (Honours) or B.A. degree under certain prescribed conditions.

The student must demonstrate the capability of working in French within the discipline of his or her degree, and must also demonstrate knowledge of the history and culture of French Canada. The specific credit requirements (three for a B.A. degree and four for a B.A. (Honours) degree) are developed by individual departments within the University according to the Senate's guidelines, and approved by the Senate. Students wishing to register for the notation must first demonstrate capability of working in French at the First-year level. Students should refer to their departments for specific information about what arrangements may be available.

The following Schools, Institutes and Departments offer the "Mention:francais": Canadian Studies, History, Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Policy and Administration, and Sociology and Anthropology.

Carleton University
2001-2002 Undergraduate Calendar

1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6
General enquiries: (613) 520-7400
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